torus.gif (64802 bytes)


torus.gif (64802 bytes)

If you want to download my animated GIF's, I've put them all, along with some not used on this website, onto some pages.

Click Here to see them.

Lightwave Files Vistapro Files Backdrop Images
Povray Resources Xenodream Files  

Lightwave Resources

Description text on the right, click on the left to download, or right click and select "Save Target".

Mesh of Ariane Rocket Lightwave mesh of an Ariane rocket. Mesh of Luna 16 asecnt stage Luna 16 ascent stage - the part that launched from the Moon with a soil sample, just after Apollo. Lightwave Format.

An early effort, so texturing is a bit primitive

Sputnik Satellite Mesh Sputnik 1. A dead simple model, but I guess it might save you a few minutes effort!

Lightwave Format.

Lightwave model of the Mariner Valley Mars - Mariner Valley area, with 3 sample scenes, 2 of which fly across the surface. I'm not that happy with the texturing and would welcome help improving it.

Lightwave format object.

Crater Lake Landscape model Crater Lake landscape, with a lake surface included. Detailed chunk of land in Lightwave format. Surfacing is a basic again, and I'd love to see what others can do with this. Abstract object mesh Lightwave mesh of a kind of abstract diatom covered on cones.
Science Fiction Planet Mesh A science fiction ringed red planet. OK, so it's a bit more lurid that necessary, but the rings are nice! Lightwave Format. Starfield Backdrop Realistic Starfield with stars at correct brightness and positions.

Objects and sample scene for Lightwave.

Volumetric light presets for Nebula 17 Volumetric lights set up to look like Nebulae.

Need a nebula for your Lightwave space scenes?

Hypervoxel flare scene

A scene using particles to make a flare strike out
at an orbiting ball.
Normal mapped Mars A very high resolution, normal mapped model of Mars.
Requires Lightwave 9+. All maps included. 46 Megabyte file.

Normal mapped Moon

A high resolution, normal mapped model of the Moon. Requires Lightwave 9+. All maps included.  12 Megabyte file.

Hypervoxel sparks

A set of 7 self contained particle and hypervoxel scenes for you to experiment with. 22 kilobyte file. Illustration of an HV scene Hypervoxel globber scene with sample video, and all required lightwave objects / scene files.

Smoke ring graphic

'Smoke ring' animation object and scene, with notes. LW 8.5, 336 Kb. (Camera Preset) LW9, Advanced Camera - this is a preset that will give equirectangular images, suitable for Quicktime VR, or environments.
Thumbnail image of the V2 rockets A set of 4 V2 rockets, Lightwave models. With notes. Download lightwave 3d buttons scene Lightwave 3d scene and objects etc to make 3d glassy buttons.
Illustration of the ripple scene Scene to produce a looping rippling object deformation. Illustration of the Galasphere Lightwave object, Galasphere, from the old puppet show "Space Patrol"
Illustration of the Scout Rocket Scout rocket,  Lightwave format object. Illustration of the RD701 Rocket Engine RD701 Rocket Engine, Lightwave format object.

See also the Xenodream section on this page, where I provide some exported Lightwave and .OBJ format objects.

Vistapro Downloads

Lunar surface DEM for Vistapro Real moon data DEM file for Vistapro. Mars surface DEM for Vistapro Mars data DEM file for Vistapro 4.

Vue Downloads

Thumbnail imahe of a Moon Two alternate high-res Moons for use as planets in Vue.
More detailed than those supplied, with full instructions.
1.2 Mb
Sputnik Satellite Mesh An accurate model of Sputnik 1, for Vue.
Abstract object mesh A sort of ball of horns object, supplied in a scen which dumps it in the sea under a strange sky.
Thumbnail image of some VUE V2 rockets A set of four differently textured V2 rockets. About 5 Mb.
Thumbnail image of a VUE custom planet Pack of Custom Planets for 'Vue', originally produced in 'Genetica'.
26 of them in PNG format, bout 20 Mb.
Should  work with just about any version of Vue.

Terragen Downloads

Thumbnail image for Martian Terrain Cratered Martian terrain, 2049x2949 for Terragen.
Includes surface and atmosphere as shown.

Xenodream Downloads

14 XEP files for Xenodream 14 of my XEP parameters files, and my variations on other peoples. More XEP files for Xenodream More of my XEP files, for Xenodream.
XEP thimbnail and link A third set of my XEP files for Xenodream. Exoported Xenodream fractal in OBJ format Sample OBJ format exported Xenodream object.
Exoported Xenodream fractal in Lightwave 3d format Exported Xenodream object in Lightwave format. Exoported Xenodream fractal in Lightave 3d format Exported Xenodream object in Lightwave format.

Backdrops & Reference Images


4000x3000 real sky backdrop, for use in rendering.  Stars are accurate brightness and position.


2400x1600, very richly starred sky.
(4 real skies overlaid).


2400x1600, very richly starred sky.
(4 real skies overlaid).


4000x3000, very richly starred sky.
(4 real skies overlaid).


4000x3000, very richly starred sky.
(4 real skies overlaid).


4000x3000, very richly starred sky.
(4 real skies overlaid).


Ophiuchus / Aquila region of night sky, 4000x3000


Orion area, fine stars, 4000x3000


Orion area, fine stars, very wide angle, 4000x3000


Taurus + Pleiades area, fine stars, 4000x3000


Scorpius area, fine stars, 4000x3000


Image of the Taurus area of the sky, for use as a backdrop. Big Stars so looks stylised. 1024x768


Detailed, accurate, and rich view of the Orion area of the sky.
1024x768, very useful backdrop for spaceships.
Blue nebula backdrop image Blue nebula backdrop, for those who need something brighter
to put behind their spaceships. 1024x768.

POV Ray support


POV Ray include file for the real sky.
Thousands of stars in the correct positions, as one object.


Click for the CGI gallery Click for the gallery top level. Click here to see my space graphics. Click here to see my downloadable files.
Click here for the top level of my panoramic galleries. Click here to see my photo galleries Site Index Send me a message by Email
3d environments you can pan around. Video clips for your viewing pleasure. An index to tutorials on this site. Small animated GIF images.