sksml.gif (37302 bytes)

Free Animated GIF's

sksml.gif (37302 bytes)

Here are some animated GIF images for you to use on your Website. I advise you to take a copy - links might break if I move the ones here and you point at the old location! A link back to these pages would be appreciated if you use these images.

I have broken the collection of my animated GIF's into categories, to avoid too many on one page. Select your category, then to download these images to your computer, right-click on the one you want, then select "save as".

Animated GIF pages:

Character Animated GIF's Eyes animated GIF's Flags animated GIFs photospagebuttons.gif (2395 bytes) Flags animated GIFs
Falling and Spinning Lights and Glows Recent Additions NEW Icons Oddments
Skulls Smileys Space Spinning animated GIF's Vehicl animated GIF's

graphics.jpg (3520 bytes) galleries.gif (1932 bytes) audio files download.jpg (4169 bytes)
panoramas.gif (1997 bytes) photographs.gif (2007 bytes) index.jpg (2719 bytes) email.jpg (2756 bytes)