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Xenodream is a very unusual fractal program that produces intricate 3d objects, rather than the usual 2d flat Mandelbrot style ones. Putting it as simply as I can, you position things called 'Holons' near each other, and apply shape parameters to them. These then resonate with each other producing marvellously complex shapes.

Shapes can generally be exported as 3d objects in Wavefront OBJ format, which can be imported into conventional 3d programs. As you are dealing with shapes of potentially infinite complexity, not every shape will export smoothly!

It's not an easy program to learn, and I have never felt 100% in control of it - but it is immense fun to play with, and changing the parameters can give a real sense of discovery.

Nick's Xenodream Galleries:

Best Xenodream gallery. For your convenience, (and my ego!), I have gathered together my favourite Xenodream images into a separate gallery.

My main Xenodream galleries:


Xenodream also supports exporting 3d objects based on those rendered. These are .OBJ files, that can then be imported to other 3d applications, such as Lightwave. here is a gallery of my exported objects:

You will also find some exported objects for download in OBJ and LWO format in the downloads section, next.


Xenodream parameter files are XEP files. You can try some of my parameter files on my DOWNLOADS page. You will also find some exported objects there, in Lightwave format.

Hints & Tips.

I have put together a separate page with tips and hints for Xenodream, trying to give a few ideas as to how I go about making the images and surfacing. Intermediate level.


I have also written a tutorial on using extreme fisheye effects in Xenodream.



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Xenodream users will also enjoy the two Yahoo groups dedicated to this software, one for images, and one for dicsussion of techniques:

Xenodream Discussion Group Xenodream Image Group


Click for the CGI gallery Click for the gallery top level. Click here to see my space graphics. Click here to see my downloadable files.
Click here for the top level of my panoramic galleries. Click here to see my photo galleries Site Index Send me a message by Email
3d environments you can pan around. Video clips for your viewing pleasure. An index to tutorials on this site. Small animated GIF images.